Rupert Tubbs
Mobile: 0777 315 3328
Office: 0870 746 8099

How well does your business deliver complex projects? Last time you introduced a new product line was it in stock on time and to budget? What happened when you last introduced new software, moved a warehouse or restructured a department? Few projects go well, fewer still exceed expectations.


Because complex projects flounder without adequate leadership and management skills.

That's not to say you don't already have many of the necessary skills inside your business. It is mobilising those skills that is key to the success of every project. It is the basics that matter most: team focus and discipline, effective communication, coordinated activity, energy and momentum. The ability to anticipate, to assess risk, to identify bottlenecks are all critical to success.

These are our core skills. Amongst many major projects, in over a decade of independent project management, we have successfully delivered business critical software implementations, pan-european product developments, business and process re-engineering in the manufacturing and distribution sectors.

We don't just bring with us the management skills you need to guarantee success, we also bring years of in-depth experience of other markets and businesses. And we bring the ingredient you need to give focus and energy to your project team.

Together, we can achieve anything